Friday, July 1, 2011

Where do you fit in?

    Training regularly is easy if you commit to doing it. So what should you do? Well, there are several factors to consider. Each of us has some sort of body quirk about us whether it be back pain, bad balance, or we are overweight. These factors will and should be the biggest influences when beginning any training program because safety is always a #1 concern. Lots of trends that you see on tv or hear about in the gym may be the worst thing for most of us. It is imperative that you begin and progress yourself accordingly towards your goals within the confounds of our physical ability with appropriate exercises.

   Body-building is old school. Body building is characterized by heavy lifting with low repetitions in what is typically a single planed motion, with little or no detail to core and/or joint stability. Moreover, it lacks any sort of function to the body and is mostly done for aesthetic purposes. This type of training is what you are likely to see in your local fitness club. Sure, weight training will burn calories and build muscle, however, if you have never trained before anything will burn calories and build muscle. So if you've never lifted heavy weight before, have a physical limitation, then why would lifting heavy weight be the best thing for you? Seems kind of logical if you look at it that way but again, if that's the look that you are going for then please make sure that you are following safety guidelines with form and weight selection.

    Maybe your friend or your next door neighbor has suggested an exercise video or a place where they do  crazy power lifting moves as a workout. They claim that it really kicks your butt. Here are several problems with this suggestion. The last thing that anyone who lacks any sort of physical foundation and/or proper movement conditioning should do is explosive/over-the-top resistance training maneuvers. As a fitness professional for over 11 years I can assure you that 80% of my clientele should not be doing exercises that are over-the-top without having their foundational athleticism built first. There are too many variables that will cause people's bodies to breakdown, potentially causing injury and/or enhancing their already harmful postural distortions.. Sure it gets you going if you haven't done any exercise before or are used to the same generic "comfort zone" training. That is the draw of these types of work outs so please make sure that someone who is qualified to teach movement and exercise will see to it that you are selecting the most appropriate workout no matter what it is.

    Lastly, there is a very popular show on TV that is one of the most unrealistic views regarding weight-loss. Inappropriate isn't even a strong enough of a word to use. What are the two of the most typical body injuries that people face? In my experience they are back and knee injuries. It is far more than likely that morbidly obese people have numerous injuries for the simple fact that the body is not designed to carry that much weight and if they don't have any, then they will after they get put through these over-the-top training programs.  I can only imagine the things that go on behind the scenes. Furthermore, their cardio-respiratory system must be so compromised its a blessing that they don't drop dead. The nature of these shows are for shock value. Yes at the end of the day its about helping people lose weight but what have they learned during this time? They don't want to gain weight again and have to lose it? There's a no brainer. I'm almost willing to bet that they knew this before they went through the degrading torture that is designed to "help" them live better.

    Success is not defined as just completing a task, it is completing a task correctly with reward. Sure, lots of people can complete 26.2 miles somehow but completing it in the time range that is deemed acceptable is what makes one successful at a marathon. Too many people are being sold on trends. A trend is a popular event, methodology, or style that lives for only so long because it lacks a strong foundation of acceptance due to its controversial nature. Our bodies are the most scientifically understood entities in the world. Day after day countess research is done by qualified experts to help us prolong the functioning and longevity on them. It makes no sense and grants very low credibility to anything that is done without a purpose, for the wrong reasons. Make sure that you are doing the right thing for you and if you have any questions please consult a qualified fitness professional. This may be the best thing that you ever do for your body.