Monday, September 12, 2011

"Fall back" Into the Routine

The summertime will always be our favorite distraction. The three months of warm weather, parties, and vacations are always welcomed. Life during this time changes and so do our habits. This is the time that we enjoy ourselves for all of our hard work during the colder months.

Now that the kids are finaly back in school we can all breathe a sigh of relief and we can concentrate on our regular routines. You're probably beginning to notice that your pants may be a little snug or the scale hasnt been speaking your language lately. Traumatic? Maybe.. Fixable? Piece of cake (or should I say rice cake). Our bodies go in and out of season and there are optimal times to plan your eating and exercise habits,

Chosing to take charge of your body right away is the best way to stop the ship from sinking and to prep yourself from the food filled holiday months to come. Don't forget, as it gets colder our bodies store at in order to keep up warm. So if your creeping up on the big boy pants, rest assure that if you don't work on it now, then your Hoiday gifts may be from the next rack up.

Just like we plan our finances or our days we should also plan our eating habits and our exercise. This should be as much of a priority as paying next months rent because it's very easy to keep up the bad summer habits. First, get rid of any left over summer goodies like the hot dogs packs in the freezer, the extra beer in the basement fridge, and the ice cream treats for those hot summer days. Once you've gotten that out of the way not it's time to plan your day. It's easier than people make it out to be. Put exercise where exercise fits best like putting work where it fits best or dropping the kids off at school. Every goal has a means and the success of that goal is determined by ur efficacy to reach that goal. If you can only work out at 5am guess what? You better set the coffee before you go to bed. You cannot take I-95 to Caifornia. If you try to squeeze working out in as an extra then it will not work. Live your program like it's brushing your teeth or taking a shower (if you dont do these regularly then what are you waiting for? lol).

All-Out Fitness understands this and that's why we plan our weight loss challenges at the three most important times of the year (New Years, Spring, September). It is our job as Fitness Specialists and Health Coaches to make sure that we prepare ourselves to assist you at the most important times the year. Some of you may never have thought about you bodies this way or know that it is time to clean our act and are just lazy about it. Our weight loss challenges have not only 100% success rate but yield some of ourl best results in a 5week time period. The ony thing that you can ask for now is for someone else to do it for you. We make the time, we give you the plan, and your will to compete does the rest.

If you really want to keep your body in check, and/or want to see changes that you never though that you could be successful with, then join our September "Back to You" Weight loss Challenge. Get back to you by going All-Out!

For more info please visit www.all-out You'll be glad that you did.