Saturday, September 15, 2012

How do you fix your body?

We all experience some sort of pain or difficulty with certain movements. Well, how do you fix it? Most people will head to their Dr. just to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong (which is a great thing to do) however, unless there is physical trauma that takes place chance are that you have a muscular imbalance that is triggering pain. These imbalances just don't happen over night either. They come from repetitve movements that compromise our body's alignment. Basically, we stop moving the way that we were designed to..


I just want to start off my saying that Doctors are great! They have accepted a role in life to help others. I would never want anyone to think that I would deny a Dr. their respect. However, there are so many corrective and preventative measures that are in our control. Sure exercise will improve your health and help to keep it in good states but most of the time a lot of damage has been done. In my business it is very common to hear things like, "Oh well I just have bad backs in my family. I'll hit the Chiro and just deal with it." WRONG! Your inherited physiology may increase the likelihood that certain activities may be hurtful to your back however, you just arent born with bad or faulty backs. Your behavior and exercise must be proactive/purposeful to your optimal physiological needs.  This is why it has been my long term professional goal to impact my clients on a  level that most people dont or cannot. Personal Trainers must be able to identify and program in regards to a client's physiological needs prior to guiding them to their personal goals. We should never think about any form of exercise until their foundation has been rebuilt. This will not only prevent injuries, moreover, it will increase their quality of like exponentially. We are the first line of defense!!


My clients are my responsibility. They come to me for help when no one else can help them. That's a duty that I take very seriously. It means everything to me. Over my years I've learned from LMT's, Chiropractors, and then I met my Master KiHara mentor Carla McEwan. One hour with her and I knew that I had found my destiny. Kihara resistance stretching is IMO the most effective body work technique on the planet. There are many comparable modalities such as Yoga, muscle activation techniques, chiropractic, or even some accupuncture. The fact is that nothing works our musculature as a whole like restance stretching. The easist way to describe it is that its backing our bodies out of the jam we got them into just from every day living.


What makes KiHara different is that it takes a lot physical work from the KiHara specialist and it takes time. Most sessions take around 90 minutes just to lengthen the body back to balance. Some case take more time due to the degree of condition that one's body may posses. Also, there is a sequence, a touch, and a degree of physical fitness to perform this technique. These sequences aren't made up either. We follow our muscular line of pull. By following the proper sequences you will unlock the body and return it to (or as close to) equilibrium. We need to restore our bodies to balance in order to work otherwise we will have muscular compensation pattters, substitution, and kinetic chain breakdown.

I have seem the most dramatic results from KiHara that are near miraculous and Im not saying these to discredit these other professions, Im saying it to accredit KiHara. Resistance stretching is virtually painless and highly effective even within the first session. Just ask the many people that I have permanently changed their movement, pain issues, and their abilities to train.

If you have a reoccuring muscle issue, are post injury rehab, or just want to optimize your performance then have a stretch session with a Resistance Stretch trainer. Unlock your body in a way that you never thought possible!


To learn more about KiHara visit

or contact me at


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