Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How do you fix your body?

We all experience some sort of pain or difficulty with certain movements. Well, how do you fix it? Most people will head to their Dr. just to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong (which is a great thing to do) however, unless there is physical trauma that takes place chance are that you have a muscular imbalance that is triggering pain. These imbalances just don't happen over night either. They come from repetitve movements that compromise our body's alignment. Basically, we stop moving the way that we were designed to..


I just want to start off my saying that Doctors are great! They have accepted a role in life to help others. I would never want anyone to think that I would deny a Dr. their respect. However, there are so many corrective and preventative measures that are in our control. Sure exercise will improve your health and help to keep it in good states but most of the time a lot of damage has been done. In my business it is very common to hear things like, "Oh well I just have bad backs in my family. I'll hit the Chiro and just deal with it." WRONG! Your inherited physiology may increase the likelihood that certain activities may be hurtful to your back however, you just arent born with bad or faulty backs. Your behavior and exercise must be proactive/purposeful to your optimal physiological needs.  This is why it has been my long term professional goal to impact my clients on a  level that most people dont or cannot. Personal Trainers must be able to identify and program in regards to a client's physiological needs prior to guiding them to their personal goals. We should never think about any form of exercise until their foundation has been rebuilt. This will not only prevent injuries, moreover, it will increase their quality of like exponentially. We are the first line of defense!!


My clients are my responsibility. They come to me for help when no one else can help them. That's a duty that I take very seriously. It means everything to me. Over my years I've learned from LMT's, Chiropractors, and then I met my Master KiHara mentor Carla McEwan. One hour with her and I knew that I had found my destiny. Kihara resistance stretching is IMO the most effective body work technique on the planet. There are many comparable modalities such as Yoga, muscle activation techniques, chiropractic, or even some accupuncture. The fact is that nothing works our musculature as a whole like restance stretching. The easist way to describe it is that its backing our bodies out of the jam we got them into just from every day living.


What makes KiHara different is that it takes a lot physical work from the KiHara specialist and it takes time. Most sessions take around 90 minutes just to lengthen the body back to balance. Some case take more time due to the degree of condition that one's body may posses. Also, there is a sequence, a touch, and a degree of physical fitness to perform this technique. These sequences aren't made up either. We follow our muscular line of pull. By following the proper sequences you will unlock the body and return it to (or as close to) equilibrium. We need to restore our bodies to balance in order to work otherwise we will have muscular compensation pattters, substitution, and kinetic chain breakdown.

I have seem the most dramatic results from KiHara that are near miraculous and Im not saying these to discredit these other professions, Im saying it to accredit KiHara. Resistance stretching is virtually painless and highly effective even within the first session. Just ask the many people that I have permanently changed their movement, pain issues, and their abilities to train.

If you have a reoccuring muscle issue, are post injury rehab, or just want to optimize your performance then have a stretch session with a Resistance Stretch trainer. Unlock your body in a way that you never thought possible!


To learn more about KiHara visit

or contact me at


Sunday, September 2, 2012

An Incredible Before and After: Stefan Lost 80lbs!

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This post spotlights one of the hardest working clients that I have ever had the chance to work with.

Read his story below:

I have always been overweight and one of the bigger kids in my class, but I always played sports and stayed active.  In my late 20’s after my son was born my weight started creeping up fast.  I still played flag football, floor hockey, and softball. I started noticing that I was getting slower. When I got home my legs would hurt and I always felt tired.  One day I stepped on the scale and BAM !!!!  When I saw 298 lbs it felt like somebody just blasted me in the face….  That moment I said to myself “This is it.”, so I started eating healthier and I started running.  This was in October of last year, 2 months into it I was back to eating crap but still ran about 3 miles every other day.  I just couldn’t shed the weight.  This was when I heard about All Out Fitness from my roommate who had been going there for the private sessions.  He told me about the weight loss challenge; 2 month program, work out 3 times a week and who ever lost the most weight won a free month of workout.   After a week of talking about it I told myself I had nothing to lose.  Spring was coming, sports were starting back up, maybe we could win the challenge and I could lose some weight, why not !!!

It was very hard from the beginning trying to eat healthy and work out every other day, but we made it fun.  It was 4 of us in the group, we called ourselves The Expendables and we just kept pushing each other.  

Well, I have been going to All Out Fitness for the past 9 months, 3 times a week and I’m 80 lbs down… We didn’t win the first challenge but the first step through that door changed my life forever.  However in spring time we rejoined again, and won the 2nd challenge.  Working out and keeping track of what we ate taught me that there is a lot of useless garbage out there… I don’t look at food the same, I translate everything to energy.  I haven’t reached my goal yet but I wish I did this a long time ago. I am in the best shape of my life, I feel great and I’m always full of energy.  When I get home from work I look forward to my workouts or sports we might play that day. 

Everyone should give Neil a try, he works with his clients and his program definitely works…

Saturday, September 1, 2012

100 reps for the Ladies

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Petra went All-Out too!

100 rep day

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Listen to Stefan talk about 100 rep day. Keep in mind that he is also down 85 pounds this year. Bravo

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Resistance Stretch Testimonial

Anyone that comes through my doors is well aware of the care and effort that I practice amongst my clients. The word "comprehensive" here is at one of the highest levels available in the industry today. I pride myself on having the knowledge and skill to truly fix people with postural distortions and joint problems. It is and should be the basis for all movement and training. This is why I have been mentoring and practicing body work, stretch, and corrective exercise for over 6 years. During this past 8 months I have had over 200 hours mentoring and practice with resistance stretching from Level 5 Master KiHara Trainer Carla McEwan of Flexible Anatony

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. Here is a great testimonial to its credit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Finishing what you start


It never occurred to me that I couldnt run 26.2 miles. I knew that somehow I would finish. This was the most important thing that I needed to believe. Your mindset will predict your success or your failure. The rest is contextual. Sure I may hit a wall or even develop pain in my legs but that is only something that can break me if it let it. The courage to give your best when your best is needed will always carry you over the fire. We create roadblocks because we doubt our talent or we fear the unknown. Envision your triumph and own it, then let your body do the rest. Never hesitate, always move with tenacity, and never ever give up.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

10 minute workout

Looking for a quick workout on the go or in your living room? Check out what Neil has put together today

Click here !

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some more August Announcements

Back to School Raffle- Drawing Date September 1, 2012

All-Out Fitness is giving you even more reason to get into a program this September. We are having our Back-to-School Personal Training Raffle.

Prizes include: Package of 5 - 1 Hour One-on-One Personal Training Sessions ($404 Value)

4 Packages of 8 –Semi Private Personal Training Sessions (1 month/$199 Value)

2 Ninety Minute Resistance Stretching Sessions ($240 value)

5 Blocks of 12 Group Exercise Classes ($500 Value)

All-Out Fitness T-Shirts and more!

Tickets are just $5 each or 5 for $20.


This can be your chance to win big at All-Out Fitness! Go back to school on a mission to get in shape. Don’t wait too long or you’ll get swept away with the Holidays.

Don’t just work-out, Go All-Out!

Call us at 845-628-0088 or

Email at 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Losing weight is work for Everyone Week 8

It has been quite an event filled Summer so far. Everything from the birth of my daughter Savannah (2nd child), to moving an entire facility (by myself), and your basic crazy work schedule. I set out 8 weeks ago to lose 15 lbs. Today I stand 12 lbs down and feeling a lot better about myself.

   Life has bumps, holes, and roadblocks  but you always have to pick the pace back up once you pass those obstacles. If this was easy then we would never gain weight and lose it in the blink of an eye. It does not happen any other way than commitment, consistency, and the will to do whatever it takes no matter how hard the situation. I still have some more to go but here is where I am 8 weeks ago and today.

Week 1

Week 8

When things get tough just remind yourself why you are doing it and watch what happens. We speak success or failure to ourselves. Learn the language!





Wednesday, August 1, 2012

All-Out Duathlon is Announced!

Join us for this first time Duathlon race. Proceeds will go to the American Heart Association. We will begin with a 1 mile loop from the All-Out Fitness parking lot towards Buckshollow Rd. We will enter the bike trail, follow to the other end of Buckshollow, then turn right onto Route 6 back towards AOF.

Biking will then begin at the lot and will lead back to the bike path as did the run. The ride will last 7 miles towards Yorktown then return.

Finally a 3 mile run will begin from the AOF parking lot.

It will head up Route 6 towards Croton Falls Rd and continue for 1.5 miles, then will turn around back to AOF.

Registration is $30 before August 15th, $40 between then and race day, and $50 the day of race.

Help raise Healthier Hearts in Putnam County!

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Saturday Boot Camp Time

Boot Camp has moved to 9am on Saturday following Kickboxing. Please adjust your schedules accordingly. We are sorry for any inconvenience.





Monday, January 16, 2012

Stretching for Strength

  All of us that train are always looking for the next new thing or "craze" to give us an edge in our training and in our bodies. However, following a trend or taking a "supplement" (legal or not) should not be the most immediate answer. In fact, we all have the easiest answer in our own bodies. It has to do with our posture. Just by living, our bodies are put through repetitive (and sometimes forceful) moment every day. Furthermore, we are one-side dominant creatures which means that we will do more work on one side of the body rather than the other side. Imbalance is inevitable but worry not, I have the answers on how to get stronger faster without looking far.

   The first thing that I do when I meet a prospective client or any new client is to assess their movement patterns. There are many things that can be determined by doing this but I do it for one main reason, I want to know what I need to fix. In fact, anyone that trains for All-Out Fitness is required to do the exact same thing. Everyone needs some sort of corrective exercise and it is imperative that we determined what needs to be included into their program before moving forward.

   There are a lot of people that are Personal Trainers or that just train on their own, that either are unfamiliar with corrective exercise, and/or have no concern for it.  It is my goal to not only show that everyone needs corrective exercise but, also to explain how we all will get stronger from it. As personal trainers this should be the first thing that we do because it is the most important thing that we do. Just because you can "kick someone's ass" doesn't make you a great trainer. Exercise is purposeful and if you have not made any strides to correct someone's posture you have in my eyes failed to choose the correct exercises. Without correction all exercise will do is make those patterns worse.

I can guarantee that your client has neuro-muscular inhibitions because they have to. We all do. Athletes, as fine tuned as they are, will probably have the most due to the beatings that their bodies take. We spend either too much time sitting, too much time standing, and use one side of our body more than the other side.  There is a very good chance that most people cannot correctly perform a squat correctly because of this. Most people will warm-up, get some weights, then pound out reps/sets of squats. The problem is that even if it feels right the chances are that its not. Once our body learns bad movement it adjusts to them and feels arguable comfortable in most situations.Once this happens it must be corrected in order to re-establish muscle synergy and efficiency.

   You may be saying to yourself, "This all sounds fascinating but what does stretching have to do with all of this?" Well, any muscle that fires repeatedly begins to shorten.  This is how muscles become tight. In fact, the tighter a muscle is, then the weaker it gets. Moreover, a shortened muscle will just pull on another and cause the body to misfire elsewhere. Each muscle has a line of pull. These are muscles that connect at bone joints and can effect the length/tension of each other.

 The hips have many lines of pull in our body and are likely to be the most stressed because they many attachment point (lower back, hamstrings etc.). Our hip flexors are typically the tightest muscles in the body due to their constant usage from sitting and the many other things that influence their activation (running, weak abdominals).  The chest (pec minor) and anterior deltoid (front shoulder) are the other likely suspects because we slouch in chairs, do everything in a forward motion, and our chest falls forward due to the forward tilt of our hips. You can almost guarantee that the weaker side will be even tighter because it tends to recruit pec minor in order to make it as strong as the dominant side. Hip imbalances also exist from doing one side dominant activities (eg. driving, running). Tight hips can dramatically reduce range of motion in our lower backs and in our stride. Uncorrected hips can lead to injuries such as herniated discs to even knee damage.

Stretching isn't just about reach for your toes to stretch your back or put your toe against the wall to stretch your calf. Stretching is about lengthening and is most effective when it is done by someone else. Most people also stretch in a direction that is consistent with the longer part of a muscle because its more comfortable. That wont correct anything. If we want to correct the body we need to activate sleeping muscle, stretch everywhere from the feet up, and we need to get the hips back into neutral alignment. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. So, now that we all are better educated on how to identify this postural distortion how do we fix it?

   There are many methods that will stretch muscle and relax muscle tissue. The most appropriate should be selected for any given situation. I'm going to tell you how we can correct postural distortion within the scope of a personal trainer's practice. Most trainers have their clients use foam rollers for self myo-fascial release (SMR) but there are other tools that can replace foam rollers. A tennis ball, a lacrosse ball, or even a massage ball can be used to jostle up muscle fibers so that they loosen up before stretching. The key is to work on big areas of dense tissue (knots) and near the joint, always moving towards the joint. Once we do this, then the tight muscles and tendons will release more and increase their length at the joint angle. Sometimes a little bit of active release is needed to assist in stretching and is very easy to do. Again locate the tight area and apply pressure on it while putting the corresponding joint through its fullest range of motion.  This should break up and tissue that is tight or jumbled up from overuse.

Lastly, we have our hips and shoulders. The hips will not move on their own unless we manipulate it. There are a couple of easy ways to do this but the one that works the best is to use a Trigger Point Performance Roller or Grid to loosen up all of the connection points of the hip. Then a stretch of the lower back will get some length where people usually need it the most. After that have them lay on their stomach and pull on one leg at a time until the hip drops down, usually starting with the dominant leg. You should see their glute fire and even their shirt move. Those are the signals that length has been re-established. Go to the other side and do the same thing. You may have to jostle the hips with a massage ball if they don't open up easy before retrying. Give each side a second pull just to see if opening the other gave the first side more room for movement. The pecs have a similar procedure. Use a ball to massage the entire pec (again always moving toward the joint) then assist with stretching the pecs open by pulling back the arms. Sometimes a little bit of active release helps too. Have them lift their arms over their head while you press on points of tight fibers. This should also help establish length in the pec and make them more malleable for lengthening.

  Now that your client is much straighter all of your muscles will be firing at or close to their optimal levels. You will see the immediate improvements in strength and range of motion. Now, the client should be given exercises that reinforce the new movement patterns in the body (eg. squat, push/pull, hip stability). Once these are re-established then adding resistance, difficulty, and frequency are 100% acceptable. You basically have the closest clean slate of a musculoskelatal system as you can get. Results will vary depending on each client. In the event of pain or other difficulties the client should be referred out to the correct Corrective Specialist (ex. Massage therapist).

CAUTION: Assisted stretching should be done carefully. People should have the right training before conducting these procedures. When performing assisted stretching it is always important be cautious in order to prevent serious injury. This blog is a summary of Neil's method and is not intended to teach or certify anyone of any qualification. This is a general overview and is not intended to direct anyone. 

For more information or to learn from Neil Denaut please email him at